Thursday, May 2, 2013
Online Education?
Last week in GRAD602 we talked about online education. Going into our discussion, I had a lot of reservations about online education. I guess I still view it as a course or degree where everything is online. After our discussion, I am still worried about online education. Maybe because what Laura said is correct in that we haven't figured it out and are on the verge of a paradigm shift for online education. And, that worries me. Worries me for all the stuff we discussed in class. But most of all, I am worried about how I as a future educator could teach an online class effectively, especially being in the sciences. There is some things you need hands-on experiences in order to grasp concepts. Hopefully, since we are on the cusp of change, I will figure it out as I go along. But, making me aware that there is this huge change coming rather than me keeping my head in the sand is the first part to getting me thinking about how I could teach online and be effective. Thanks GRAD602!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
How Do You Get An Old Dog To Learn New Tricks?
This past week it was all about the different forms of assessment in GRAD602. Due to No Child Left Behind, many students entering college only think in terms of...
As we discussed in class, there are many college courses which assess students by other means than filling in circles on exams. Lately, I have been sitting in on undergraduate biology classes at various universities surrounding Richmond. What I have found from shadowing and speaking with the instructors are that students hate thinking outside the box. Even true/false scares them away. Which doesn't make sense to me at all. You have a 50/50 shot of getting a true/false correct...which is better odds than a typical multiple choice question. They have been conditioned to think in terms of multiple choice and nothing else. When sitting in on these classes I share the frustration of this teacher...
But how do we, as future higher ed faculty, undo 8 or so years of conditioning kids to think only in terms of 4 choices and become a more "outside the box" thinker? I am not sure that I have the best answer for this question right now. However, I do firmly believe that the classroom atmosphere often gets people excited to think outside the box. Therefore, increasing student engagement, active learning practices, hands-on experiences, relevance, and exuding passion for the subject can hopefully get students to thinking outside of the multiple choice circles and lead to...
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Involvement and Engagement Facilitates Active Learning and Knowledge

At the start of our class discussion on active learning, I kind of took the approach of several in the class that many of the active learning exercises were gimmicks. I took this approach for several reasons:
1) Students who are seeking higher education should be self-disciplined enough to listen to a lecture, study for the test, and retain and build on their knowledge.
2) It takes away from valuable class time and might hinder the ability to cover more information.
3) As a scientist, my take on classes was coming from a different angle. To me, the class is where we obtain the basic information/concepts and the lab was the active learning, hands-on portion which reinforced the class and help build higher-level thinking. They compliment each other and one cannot happen without the other.
Thanks to Laura and the handout she gave several of us on specific techniques for active learning and their outcomes, I realized that:
1) Active learning is not a gimmick.
2) The way science is taught in higher education doesn't help faciliate learning and greater level of thinking.
So about point 1, I think Laura's handout identifies some amazing techniques for facilitating active learning in the classroom. These include:
Face-to-face discussions
Case studies
When reading the article, to my surprise, I had participiated in classes which used several of these techniques. When I reflect back on those classes today, I can still remember the subject that was taught and the take-home point from the lecture. Clearly, those active learning techniques helped me remember a subject matter that I do not reflect on constantly. About point 2, recently, I have sat in on several upper level science classes at a couple of universities within the Richmond area. The lectures resemble the picture above. The professor at the front of the class...speaking (i.e.raining) out information to students. However, from speaking with the students, they are not absorbing or learning it. Yes, the lab is meant to reinforce the class via active, hands-on learning. However, the lab and the class seem disjointed to students; therefore, they do not identify how it reinforces the class lecture. Maybe it is because they didn't absorb the class lecture due to their low involvement and engagement in the class. Shouldn't we as future educators try to make science come alive in the classroom rather than just in the lab? Maybe this will facilitate retention of the information, building on the knowledge, and facilitate a higher level of thinking. As I am preparing for my teaching internship next spring, I am going to make it my goal to bring active learning to the classroom as well as the lab!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
A Hunger For Pedagogy!
First off, I would like to start out by saying thank you to the instructors of GRAD602 for doing a mid-semester assessment of the class. I think it is very informative on both sides!
I think Helen hit the nail on the head last week when she said that there was a hunger for pedagogy in GRAD602. In fact, I am one who thrists for more pedagogy. However, I completely understand how Jeff mentioned there isn't alot of time built into the schedule for an in-depth coverage of pedagogy. Something he proposed last week really resonated with me and will fulfill my hunger and quench my thirst for pedagogy. If an outsider came to me asking for a list of scientific papers, research labs, scientists, and pivotal stories that unveil the last 20+ years in viral immunology research (my expertise from my Ph.D. work)...I would be able to hand them a detailed list with references. It would help paint a picture of the prevailing theories in immunology. This list by no means encompasses every aspect of viral immunology. It would just give the individual a starting off point and would help facilitate further more in-depth research. Therefore, that is what I would like in GRAD602. A potential list of papers, books, and authors that will identify prevailing theories in pedagogy. Because it is out of my expertise, I am often overwhelmed when I start to delve into the research. As I am sure someone in education would be overwhelmed had they tried to figure out viral immunology research without some help. So, Jeff mentioning a potential reference list for pedagogy would be a great supplement to the class. Because it is just that-a supplement, it will not take up valuable time and it will hopefully fulfill the hunger for those searching for more pedagogy in this GRAD602 class!
I think Helen hit the nail on the head last week when she said that there was a hunger for pedagogy in GRAD602. In fact, I am one who thrists for more pedagogy. However, I completely understand how Jeff mentioned there isn't alot of time built into the schedule for an in-depth coverage of pedagogy. Something he proposed last week really resonated with me and will fulfill my hunger and quench my thirst for pedagogy. If an outsider came to me asking for a list of scientific papers, research labs, scientists, and pivotal stories that unveil the last 20+ years in viral immunology research (my expertise from my Ph.D. work)...I would be able to hand them a detailed list with references. It would help paint a picture of the prevailing theories in immunology. This list by no means encompasses every aspect of viral immunology. It would just give the individual a starting off point and would help facilitate further more in-depth research. Therefore, that is what I would like in GRAD602. A potential list of papers, books, and authors that will identify prevailing theories in pedagogy. Because it is out of my expertise, I am often overwhelmed when I start to delve into the research. As I am sure someone in education would be overwhelmed had they tried to figure out viral immunology research without some help. So, Jeff mentioning a potential reference list for pedagogy would be a great supplement to the class. Because it is just that-a supplement, it will not take up valuable time and it will hopefully fulfill the hunger for those searching for more pedagogy in this GRAD602 class!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Are Educators Ignoring Student's Learning Styles?
Last week in GRAD602, we continued our discussion on how people learn. We identified 3 prevailing models about how people learn: Bloom's Taxonomy, SOLO Taxonomy, and Shulman Table of Learning. What got me thinking is something that Jeff said in class...he brought up the rhetorical question about whether research on teaching should inform practice. Furthermore, he mentioned that the discipline often governs which taxonomy is used in teaching. I started thinking about this and it brought me to a pretty bold conclusion: I feel that most educators teach the way that they learn rather than how their students learn. Therefore, the students are suffering in that they do not gain the simple information and knowledge in the class and this subsequently prevents their higher-order of thinking. Here's how I came to this conclusion...
Early last week, I and a few other fellows in my program went to an undergraduate institution in the surrounding Richmond area to observe the teachers and students in science classes and labs. The SOLO Taxonomy appeals to my style of learning.
It describes verbatim the process I went through to obtain my Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology. Although this is a huge assumption, I suppose most people who love science and pursue a doctorate in the sciences learn in a similar manner to SOLO. However, sitting in on these classes last week was an eye-opening experience. These classes were required for students who were majoring either in nursing or biology. I felt as if the teachers were conducting their class in a similar manner to the SOLO taxonomy. For example, the instructors expected students to take their unconnected information (prestructural level) and to hypothesize and theorize about various phenomena (extended abstract). However, when speaking with individual students, they had no idea how to do such a thing. They couldn't connect the dots from small picture to big picture. After studying the various learning styles, this suggested to me that they were not true SOLO learners and that their teachers were structuring their classes in a SOLO fashion which naturally appeals to us scientists. To help them get from point A to B in an effort to connect the dots for them, I put a larger perspective/understanding on the assignment at hand. Once they thought about the larger picture, they made the connections with some guided help. This suggests that the students I spoke with identified with Shulman's Table of Learning.
They needed the understanding of the big picture first in order to make smaller connections and ultimately lead them to think about higher order hypotheses and theorizing about various phenomena. What was incredibly eye-opening for me was that each student was capable of making the higher level connections. However, the manner in which the information was presented was confusing for them and preventing their higher level of thinking. Now, I am not saying this is how all educators are, but I feel more often than not they teach the way they learn vs. how the student learns. Therefore, as educators we cannot assume that everyone learns the exact same way we do even when talking about specific disciplines. The goal is to get students to think on a higher level. Maybe the only way to achieve that goal is to tailor lectures or classes to how individual students learn. For example, start with the understanding first to help the Shulman learning style students while telling those SOLO learners to "zone out" from the discussion for a second. Then when the details are presented both the SOLO and Shulman learners can actively engage in the lecture together again. Additionally, an instructor could flip the class. I would say it is hard to develop a lecture to appeal to all types of learners, but knowing that there are many types of learning styles in one classroom full of students is a start...
Early last week, I and a few other fellows in my program went to an undergraduate institution in the surrounding Richmond area to observe the teachers and students in science classes and labs. The SOLO Taxonomy appeals to my style of learning.
They needed the understanding of the big picture first in order to make smaller connections and ultimately lead them to think about higher order hypotheses and theorizing about various phenomena. What was incredibly eye-opening for me was that each student was capable of making the higher level connections. However, the manner in which the information was presented was confusing for them and preventing their higher level of thinking. Now, I am not saying this is how all educators are, but I feel more often than not they teach the way they learn vs. how the student learns. Therefore, as educators we cannot assume that everyone learns the exact same way we do even when talking about specific disciplines. The goal is to get students to think on a higher level. Maybe the only way to achieve that goal is to tailor lectures or classes to how individual students learn. For example, start with the understanding first to help the Shulman learning style students while telling those SOLO learners to "zone out" from the discussion for a second. Then when the details are presented both the SOLO and Shulman learners can actively engage in the lecture together again. Additionally, an instructor could flip the class. I would say it is hard to develop a lecture to appeal to all types of learners, but knowing that there are many types of learning styles in one classroom full of students is a start...
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Pigeon-hole, Combination, or None?
Last week in GRAD602, we discussed how different people learn and how that may influence our teaching beliefs and practices. It seemed that there was an overwhelming consensus that there were various learning styles. And as a class, we focused on two distinct learning styles, in particular: the auditory learners vs. the visual learners. However, upon further research, it appears that we only scratched the surface when discussing the various learning styles...
Howard Gardner doesn't even use the coined phrase "learning styles." Instead he addresses that intelligence comes in various flavors and uses the "multiple intelligences" phraseology. Based on his theory, there are 9 different types of intelligences including:
On the other hand, Anthony Gregorc believes that how a person learns is based on their type or "style" of mind. The theory he puts forth suggests that there are 4 different types of mind styles:
Concrete Sequential
Abstract Sequential
Abstract Random
Concrete Random
Then, there is this 4MAT grouping of learning styles. This system and terminology is based on multiple studies and theories and categorizes people into 4 types based on whether they want to know how, why, what, or what if.
And, I am just scratching the surface here...there are multiple models.
On the contrary, Daniel Willingham believes that the theories of different learning styles is a myth.
So, here's my thought...
The picture above represents 1 student and brings up a valid point. Should teachers teach a certain way based on how the students learn? But, in a class of 20-100+ students, how is that possible? My mind becomes overwhelmed thinking about how many learning styles might be in a much so that some factorial equation comes to mind when I think about how many different learning styles could be in a class of 20. I envision this...45645123564+ combinations of learning styles. With multiple learning styles and intelligences, how can our teaching practices engage all students? Are there some students that don't fit into the mold and would prove Daniel Willingham correct? Or can students be a combination such as a type 1, concrete sequential learner with musical intelligence? Or are students solely one learning style (i.e. type 2 and nothing else)? Therefore, with all these possibilities it is hard to cater to every student's preference of learning. Maybe the best idea is to change teaching practices frequently in order to engage more students. This fits in with what Daniel Willingham recently said in the NPR article (link above)...
Mixing things up is something we know is scientifically supported as something that boosts attention
Furthermore, the article goes on to state that engaging and maintaing a student's attention will help them learn better. So in the end, regardless of whether you buy into the different types of learning styles or not...maybe change and mixing it up is truly the best way to teach.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
What the Craft?
Prior to break, we started discussing the case of Professor Craft. Even in our individual group discussion prior to the classroom discussion, we started veering off to left field with some of the comments and questions that were brought to the forefront. Therefore, I am not surprised in the direction the classroom discussion went.
However, I think Teacher Learner brought up an excellent point in his blog post. He mentions that these philosophies should be mentioned earlier in the course. As a bench research scientist, I often feel like I am ill-equipped to take part in these discussions. Mainly from the stance that I do not know all of these different philosophies of learning and teaching. Now put me in a debate on B cells, redox biology, and models for infective endocarditis and I will speak up! But, these types of discussions are hard for a scientist to engage in especially when context and background information are lacking. These discussions got me thinking about my future students. Oftentimes, first-year faculty are forced to teach general biology courses to non-majors. Therefore, the students often lack context and background information. It is my responsibility as the course instructor to try to engage all students. Maybe that takes an overhaul in the way in which the course is designed and taught, much like Craft felt like he had to do for the classes he taught. It seems that if I can engage more students it is well worth the extra work and effort.
However, I think Teacher Learner brought up an excellent point in his blog post. He mentions that these philosophies should be mentioned earlier in the course. As a bench research scientist, I often feel like I am ill-equipped to take part in these discussions. Mainly from the stance that I do not know all of these different philosophies of learning and teaching. Now put me in a debate on B cells, redox biology, and models for infective endocarditis and I will speak up! But, these types of discussions are hard for a scientist to engage in especially when context and background information are lacking. These discussions got me thinking about my future students. Oftentimes, first-year faculty are forced to teach general biology courses to non-majors. Therefore, the students often lack context and background information. It is my responsibility as the course instructor to try to engage all students. Maybe that takes an overhaul in the way in which the course is designed and taught, much like Craft felt like he had to do for the classes he taught. It seems that if I can engage more students it is well worth the extra work and effort.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
If Everyone Else Is Doing It, Then Why Can't I?
Last week, we ended Module 1 of GRAD602. It got me thinking and realizing that I am incredibly stubborn when it comes to change. Especially technology changes. Maybe it is a failure on my part to truly learn how the technology works. Or, the fact that I want to stay off the grid when it comes to certain technologies. However, my obstinate refusal to embrace these new technologies in the classroom cannot continue. I have to change. Because....
Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.
-John Wooden
When I refuse to change, I am reminded of this blog posting that Nature tweeted (and I retweeted...see I am trying to embrace new technologies, although I have only tweeted 2 tweets...change can be slow, at first!). This blog entry summarizes a study which concluded that scientists who actively engaged the public performed better academically. Additionally, this blog entry highlights that the article was from 2008 and it would be interesting to see if this finding still holds up in the world of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and newer social media outlets. But, is there a time where exposing too much is a bad thing? The hashtag on Twitter #overlyhonestmethods reveals the everday truths about mistakes in scientific experiments tweeted by scientists themselves. This article highlights some examples. However, I did a quick Twitter search of this hashtag and revealed these tweets:
"I said I chose the 36hr timepoint based on the literature, but I actually chose it b/c I overslept the 24hr timepoint"
"I'm sure the measurements were done in centimeters, I mean I'm pretty sure....."
Does this "overexposure" create a bad image for a scientist?
My first instinct is to say yes. But, maybe not. Maybe the public perceives scientists as human when their flaws are exposed making them and the subject at hand relatable and intriguing to the masses. With the scientific world connected, I think I need to change and become a connected science educator for my future students. While I feel like I have this blogging thing down, I need to embrace Twitter, Facebook, Diigo, YouTube, and RSS feeds as a viable method for obtaining and sharing scientific knowledge and findings. If I don't, maybe (as the article points out) I won't outshine academically. In a world where jobs are hard to come by (especially in academia), I can't afford not to change. So here's to making a conscious effort at being "plugged-in" to the new and changing technologies out there. That way, when I do teach students...I will already know various ways to connect with them and hopefully make science exciting for all.
Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.
-John Wooden
When I refuse to change, I am reminded of this blog posting that Nature tweeted (and I retweeted...see I am trying to embrace new technologies, although I have only tweeted 2 tweets...change can be slow, at first!). This blog entry summarizes a study which concluded that scientists who actively engaged the public performed better academically. Additionally, this blog entry highlights that the article was from 2008 and it would be interesting to see if this finding still holds up in the world of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and newer social media outlets. But, is there a time where exposing too much is a bad thing? The hashtag on Twitter #overlyhonestmethods reveals the everday truths about mistakes in scientific experiments tweeted by scientists themselves. This article highlights some examples. However, I did a quick Twitter search of this hashtag and revealed these tweets:
"I said I chose the 36hr timepoint based on the literature, but I actually chose it b/c I overslept the 24hr timepoint"
"I'm sure the measurements were done in centimeters, I mean I'm pretty sure....."
Does this "overexposure" create a bad image for a scientist?
My first instinct is to say yes. But, maybe not. Maybe the public perceives scientists as human when their flaws are exposed making them and the subject at hand relatable and intriguing to the masses. With the scientific world connected, I think I need to change and become a connected science educator for my future students. While I feel like I have this blogging thing down, I need to embrace Twitter, Facebook, Diigo, YouTube, and RSS feeds as a viable method for obtaining and sharing scientific knowledge and findings. If I don't, maybe (as the article points out) I won't outshine academically. In a world where jobs are hard to come by (especially in academia), I can't afford not to change. So here's to making a conscious effort at being "plugged-in" to the new and changing technologies out there. That way, when I do teach students...I will already know various ways to connect with them and hopefully make science exciting for all.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
How I Realized Tagging and Social Bookmarking Is Important!
This week in GRAD602 we discussed social bookmarking and tagging. To be incredibly honest, I had never given these social media practices much thought in the past. Until this class and a personal experience in reading a blog with horrible tagging practices, I didn't think these practices were of much use. Together, they changed my outlook on social bookmarking and tagging. Here's how I came to this revelation....
For some time now as part of my daily leisurely reading, I follow fashion blogs. Every once and a while, there is an outfit that sticks out in my mind and I remember it well. Earlier last week, I wanted to find a particular outfit that stuck out in my mind on this fashion blog I follow. I knew that blog post was from months ago. The blogger had tags, but I couldn't locate that blog post using those tags. Finally, after searching back through months of posts, I found what I was looking for. At the time, I was annoyed it took so long to find what I wanted, but thought I was the problem and must have been searching incorrectly. It wasn't until class later in the week that I realized why it took me so long to locate the past blog post. The blogger's tags were too generic. She needed to be more specific. Had she been more specific and straightforward, I would have located it immediately. Instead, I had to search multiple tags hoping it was located in there (which it wasn't) and ultimately gave up and decided looking through the archives was a smarter and more efficient way to go.
Prior to my experience of reading a blog with horrible tagging practices and this class, I thought these social media practices were not useful to a science researcher or educator. But, my eyes were opened. For instance, as a research scientist, we need to be able to recall papers and data quickly that relate to your particular project. Unless you have a photographic memory, this is hard to do. I think Diigo is an excellent way to organize all that information. I had never even heard of Diigo before. So, when I learned about it in class I was amazed and immediately thought "wished I had used this during my Ph.D. work!" Plus, an added bonus is letting a colleague or student access the folder in order to share information and knowledge. Additionally, if trying to locate something as trivial as an old fashion blog post made me incredibly frustrated because the blogger had horrible tagging practices, then it made me re-evaluate a student's frustration when they want to recall a blog post on a particular subject matter that might not be so easy to recall. Having good tags would help alleivate the problem and make the student less frustrated in the long run when trying to recall past subject matter. Together, a "real-world" example and GRAD602, made me realize that tagging and social bookmarking is incredibly important.
For some time now as part of my daily leisurely reading, I follow fashion blogs. Every once and a while, there is an outfit that sticks out in my mind and I remember it well. Earlier last week, I wanted to find a particular outfit that stuck out in my mind on this fashion blog I follow. I knew that blog post was from months ago. The blogger had tags, but I couldn't locate that blog post using those tags. Finally, after searching back through months of posts, I found what I was looking for. At the time, I was annoyed it took so long to find what I wanted, but thought I was the problem and must have been searching incorrectly. It wasn't until class later in the week that I realized why it took me so long to locate the past blog post. The blogger's tags were too generic. She needed to be more specific. Had she been more specific and straightforward, I would have located it immediately. Instead, I had to search multiple tags hoping it was located in there (which it wasn't) and ultimately gave up and decided looking through the archives was a smarter and more efficient way to go.
Prior to my experience of reading a blog with horrible tagging practices and this class, I thought these social media practices were not useful to a science researcher or educator. But, my eyes were opened. For instance, as a research scientist, we need to be able to recall papers and data quickly that relate to your particular project. Unless you have a photographic memory, this is hard to do. I think Diigo is an excellent way to organize all that information. I had never even heard of Diigo before. So, when I learned about it in class I was amazed and immediately thought "wished I had used this during my Ph.D. work!" Plus, an added bonus is letting a colleague or student access the folder in order to share information and knowledge. Additionally, if trying to locate something as trivial as an old fashion blog post made me incredibly frustrated because the blogger had horrible tagging practices, then it made me re-evaluate a student's frustration when they want to recall a blog post on a particular subject matter that might not be so easy to recall. Having good tags would help alleivate the problem and make the student less frustrated in the long run when trying to recall past subject matter. Together, a "real-world" example and GRAD602, made me realize that tagging and social bookmarking is incredibly important.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Dying to Ask A Science Question? Ask Your Science Teacher Via Twitter, Facebook, or Other Social Media Outlets!
This week in GRAD602, we discussed the use of networked communication in the classroom. While I have always equated Facebook and Twitter accounts as a means for sharing personal information only, I have never considered their use in disseminating important scientific findings to the masses. So, I decided to fire up Google and search important scientific events that have been broadcasted to the public via social media. This particular article in the NY Times highlights two important scientific events of 2012
(Photo Courtesy of
as two examples of scientific events that went viral via Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. So, if NASA can embrace Facebook, why can't science teachers? Because many teachers probably feel that being linked via social media to their students oversteps some boundaries, I think it is important to highlight ways in which social media can enhance learning in a science class. For instance, here are some ways to use a closed Facebook page in a science classroom:
1) Create polls for students to participate in
2) Send out information to the whole class about important deadlines
3) Disseminate articles to the class
4) Creat classroom discussion boards
5) Post practice exam questions
6) Ask for feedback on exams, lectures, and other classroom activities
7) Create a question board and have both the students and the teacher respond to it
8) Add links to scientific blogs
Similarly, Twitter accounts and the use of hashtags can also be used in the classroom. However, Twitter usage might be more restricted to disseminating information and asking/answering questions due to the constraint of the 140 characters. Overall, social media as a means to engage and inspire students is appealing because so many people already use these types of media outlets daily. Therefore, if a student had a burning science question but didn't feel comfortable asking it during class, then there would be social media outlets for the student to take advantage of for clarification. In the end, if social media can reach one student and help them learn more about science, become inspired, and keep them engaged both in and outside of class, then establishing various social media accounts for a classroom is a must-do for future science educators, including myself!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Do Undergraduate Science Classes Employ Chickering's 7 Principles?
As an aspiring undergraduate professor (hopefully in Microbiology and Immunology), I have been reflecting on how typical undergraduate science classes use Chickering's 7 Principles. Where can they improve? What principles are not being addressed?
At my undergraduate university, Appalachian State, every science class had two parts: the lecture and the laboratory section. Looking back and reflecting, it seems the lecture part of the class missed the mark when it came to addressing the 7 Principles. Basic courses had 100+ students in them. With this class size, many principles fell by the wayside. For example:
1) Larger class size often does not encourage student-faculty contact. In my larger science classes, it was up to individual students to seek professor interaction rather than the professor initiating the contact. Most of the interactions involved asking a question in class.
2 and 3) The lectures mainly consisted of powerpoints; while the assignments came in the form of multiple choice, short answers, and essay tests that were purely memorization. There was no cooperation among students or active learning.
7) Because most professors only used powerpoint, different styles of teaching were not presented in order to engage students who have different ways of learning.
To sum up, the lecture part of the course only employed 3 of the 7 Principles. Those 3 that were addressed in the class, could in some form be linked to the syllabus. Needless to say, the lecture part missed the mark!
The lab section is a different story...
It addresses 6 out of the 7 Principles. Here are the ones it addresses:
1) Because the lab is hands-on, students have many questions. Therefore, professors are present in the lab, walking around, answering questions, and would show hands-on examples in class.
2) Labs were performed with partners. Therefore, students were forced to interact with each other and to interact with a group sitting next to them, especially if reagents were shared.
3) A hands-on laboratory is active learning. The student must complete an experiment in order to get a final answer. The labs often relate to the lecture. Therefore, a lecture they had received solely by powerpoint earlier in the week, they now get to apply the lecture to a "real world" example.
4, 5, and 6) Good laboratory practices involve taking excellent notes and keeping a well organized notebook. Laboratory classes required notebooks to be graded by the professors. 4) Professors would grade and give feedback on the quality of the notebook. 5) Because the notebook was used each week during lab, students were required to turn them in on time, and professors had to grade them and return them before the next class. 6) From the start, professors emphasize a good, meticulously kept notebook because the validity of the experiments come from what is written in the notebook. Therefore, high expectations in how a notebook was kept was always emphasized and enforced.
However, the 7th Principle is not addressed. Because the lab is solely hands-on, it does not reach the students who might perform well at hands-on tasks.
In conclusion (sorry this has been so long), I think that lecture science classes need to be improved. As a future educator in science, I need to start thinking about how to make scientific lectures more engaging, more relatable, and present the material in a method to reach all types of learners in the audience.
At my undergraduate university, Appalachian State, every science class had two parts: the lecture and the laboratory section. Looking back and reflecting, it seems the lecture part of the class missed the mark when it came to addressing the 7 Principles. Basic courses had 100+ students in them. With this class size, many principles fell by the wayside. For example:
1) Larger class size often does not encourage student-faculty contact. In my larger science classes, it was up to individual students to seek professor interaction rather than the professor initiating the contact. Most of the interactions involved asking a question in class.
2 and 3) The lectures mainly consisted of powerpoints; while the assignments came in the form of multiple choice, short answers, and essay tests that were purely memorization. There was no cooperation among students or active learning.
7) Because most professors only used powerpoint, different styles of teaching were not presented in order to engage students who have different ways of learning.
To sum up, the lecture part of the course only employed 3 of the 7 Principles. Those 3 that were addressed in the class, could in some form be linked to the syllabus. Needless to say, the lecture part missed the mark!
The lab section is a different story...
It addresses 6 out of the 7 Principles. Here are the ones it addresses:
1) Because the lab is hands-on, students have many questions. Therefore, professors are present in the lab, walking around, answering questions, and would show hands-on examples in class.
2) Labs were performed with partners. Therefore, students were forced to interact with each other and to interact with a group sitting next to them, especially if reagents were shared.
3) A hands-on laboratory is active learning. The student must complete an experiment in order to get a final answer. The labs often relate to the lecture. Therefore, a lecture they had received solely by powerpoint earlier in the week, they now get to apply the lecture to a "real world" example.
4, 5, and 6) Good laboratory practices involve taking excellent notes and keeping a well organized notebook. Laboratory classes required notebooks to be graded by the professors. 4) Professors would grade and give feedback on the quality of the notebook. 5) Because the notebook was used each week during lab, students were required to turn them in on time, and professors had to grade them and return them before the next class. 6) From the start, professors emphasize a good, meticulously kept notebook because the validity of the experiments come from what is written in the notebook. Therefore, high expectations in how a notebook was kept was always emphasized and enforced.
However, the 7th Principle is not addressed. Because the lab is solely hands-on, it does not reach the students who might perform well at hands-on tasks.
In conclusion (sorry this has been so long), I think that lecture science classes need to be improved. As a future educator in science, I need to start thinking about how to make scientific lectures more engaging, more relatable, and present the material in a method to reach all types of learners in the audience.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Can Blogging Derail A Research Scientist's Career?
Hi everyone,
Lately, as much as I hate to admit this, I have been struggling to find the usefulness in blogging and establishing an online identity for a basic research scientist. The article "Can Blogging Derail Your Career" got me thinking that it could quite possibly derail a research scientist's career. I know that is a pretty bold statement...but hear me out! In this field, your livelihood depends on keeping your ideas secret. There have been numerous occasions where scientists have been "scooped" out of their publications, experiments, novel findings, and grant money due to sharing information with the wrong audience prematurely. In contrast, sometimes scooping is accidental meaning two researchers just happen to work on the same project simultaneously, and the one to publish it first is the "winner" in a sense while the other group is said to be "scooped." While this may be trival to those not in the research science field, this work can comprise years of an individual's life. Don't believe me...just take a look at this person's blog and at how angry she feels because she got scooped. If scientists are leery about sharing their exciting and yet-to-be published results in a scientific conference settting for fear of getting scooped, then why would a scientist blog about their findings? Therefore, self-preservation and furthering my career would drive me to not blog about my findings until after they were published because both types of scooping are prevalent. Maybe that's the only way to blog scientifically without getting scooped.
Additionally, I am struggling with the quality of scientific work if there was a switch from a peer-
review publication format to publishing data on a blog. Experts in the field determine whether or not a manuscript is deemed publication quality for a particular journal. These expert reviewers have done the leg-work and determined whether or not the finding warrants a publication in a higher or lower tiered journal. For example, I know based on impact factor that Immunity is an excellent journal in the Immunology field. But, as an expert in Immunology, it is my duty to not take that at face value. I still have to critique all articles in that journal and determine whether or not I deem a particular manuscript in that journal as publication worthy in such a high impact journal. Based on my blog name, you can guess I am a knowledgeable in Immunology and Microbiology. But, let's say for argument sake, that I wanted to critique an article in Oncology. I am not an expert in that field. But, having expert reviewers who have determined a manuscript deserves publication in Lancet Oncology (impact factor 22) says to me that these articles present quality scientific work, experiments are designed to address the question, and the findings have the potential to change the field. If all manuscripts were published in a blog format, then how do you distinguish paradigm changing work from work that might be a carbon-copy of a study performed a few years earlier? It would require the person reading the blog on the particular subject to become the expert through researching all aspects of the field. In a sense, that fosters critical thinking and hones research skills which I think we need more of in education, but slows the process of further scientific research because you would have to sift through mounds of blogs in order to filter the data and come to one overall conclusion. I mean isn't scientific research slow enough?
Overall, these are some of the questions and ideas I have been struggling with as of late. And, needless to say, the article we read definitely brought these fears to the forefront. But, I am hoping this class helps me identify the usefulness of scientific blogging, and, more importantly, helps teach me how to become a responsible scientific blogger.
Lately, as much as I hate to admit this, I have been struggling to find the usefulness in blogging and establishing an online identity for a basic research scientist. The article "Can Blogging Derail Your Career" got me thinking that it could quite possibly derail a research scientist's career. I know that is a pretty bold statement...but hear me out! In this field, your livelihood depends on keeping your ideas secret. There have been numerous occasions where scientists have been "scooped" out of their publications, experiments, novel findings, and grant money due to sharing information with the wrong audience prematurely. In contrast, sometimes scooping is accidental meaning two researchers just happen to work on the same project simultaneously, and the one to publish it first is the "winner" in a sense while the other group is said to be "scooped." While this may be trival to those not in the research science field, this work can comprise years of an individual's life. Don't believe me...just take a look at this person's blog and at how angry she feels because she got scooped. If scientists are leery about sharing their exciting and yet-to-be published results in a scientific conference settting for fear of getting scooped, then why would a scientist blog about their findings? Therefore, self-preservation and furthering my career would drive me to not blog about my findings until after they were published because both types of scooping are prevalent. Maybe that's the only way to blog scientifically without getting scooped.
Additionally, I am struggling with the quality of scientific work if there was a switch from a peer-
review publication format to publishing data on a blog. Experts in the field determine whether or not a manuscript is deemed publication quality for a particular journal. These expert reviewers have done the leg-work and determined whether or not the finding warrants a publication in a higher or lower tiered journal. For example, I know based on impact factor that Immunity is an excellent journal in the Immunology field. But, as an expert in Immunology, it is my duty to not take that at face value. I still have to critique all articles in that journal and determine whether or not I deem a particular manuscript in that journal as publication worthy in such a high impact journal. Based on my blog name, you can guess I am a knowledgeable in Immunology and Microbiology. But, let's say for argument sake, that I wanted to critique an article in Oncology. I am not an expert in that field. But, having expert reviewers who have determined a manuscript deserves publication in Lancet Oncology (impact factor 22) says to me that these articles present quality scientific work, experiments are designed to address the question, and the findings have the potential to change the field. If all manuscripts were published in a blog format, then how do you distinguish paradigm changing work from work that might be a carbon-copy of a study performed a few years earlier? It would require the person reading the blog on the particular subject to become the expert through researching all aspects of the field. In a sense, that fosters critical thinking and hones research skills which I think we need more of in education, but slows the process of further scientific research because you would have to sift through mounds of blogs in order to filter the data and come to one overall conclusion. I mean isn't scientific research slow enough?
Overall, these are some of the questions and ideas I have been struggling with as of late. And, needless to say, the article we read definitely brought these fears to the forefront. But, I am hoping this class helps me identify the usefulness of scientific blogging, and, more importantly, helps teach me how to become a responsible scientific blogger.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Blog Test
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